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09.10.11 Random Act of Craft

3 Jun

Like me, Megan is a Rockford girl who married her true love, Bob, on 09.10.11. Well, my true love is Todd, not Bob, and they got married in Washington (state), not Rockford, but you get the picture… Judging by her posts on Facebook, she and Bob are more in love now than they were the day they got married. I made this Wedding Canvas for them to commemorate their special day, and it turned into a Random Acts of Craft since I procrastinated so much that it’s getting to them nearly nine months after they got married – so, kinda like a baby, but without the pain and discomfort!

I really liked the simplicity of the black and white photo Megan sent me, and I carried that theme into the paper and embellishments I chose to enhance the photo. I love making these canvases, and I’ve used different sizes to make “fancy” wall hangings.

A Going Away Random Acts of Crafting

30 May

In March my friend Shalonda moved down to New Orleans where she’ll stay for six months while helping open up a new restaurant. Shalonda is a pastry chef par excellance, as witnessed by her skills at helping to create our wedding cake (She baked it, Tracy decorated it) – it was DELICIOUS.

Since she was going to be away from her husband and two kids for so long, I wanted to make something for her that was small-ish, but meaningful. I enlisted her husband Dan to help me by sending me a copy of their family portrait (How cool are the tuxedo t-shirts??). I printed the picture out in 4″x6″ size then mounted it to a blank 5″x7″ canvas to display it with pretty paper and embellishments.

I am going to pretend that Shalonda has it sitting on her bedside table, and she gazes lovingly at it each night before she goes to bed, loving her family, and thinking about what a thoughtful friend she has in me.

Amy & Shalonda

It often happens that I forget to take a nice picture of the things I make…